Beautiful Arizona sunset with hues of Angelic color
Sue Broome Desert

Message From the Angels 102716

Dear Ones, Today we wish to speak about who is truly important to you. We are referring to people that come into your life who at first glance may seem important, and yet once you delve in a bit deeper, you’ll realize they are a totally different vibration from where you are. Look at the [...]

By |2017-04-04T14:42:08-07:00October 26, 2016|angels, Inspirational, message from the angels|

Message From the Angels 102416

Dear Ones, Today we speak of ‘maintaining your energy level’.  When you are in a calm and peaceful setting and you don’t have anything to worry about, it is easy to maintain your energy. It is when you are in a location where there is lots of chaos and drama or if there are deadlines [...]

By |2016-10-23T17:20:04-07:00October 24, 2016|angels, Inspirational, message from the angels|

Message From the Angels 102016

Dear Ones, Today we speak of leaf, leaves and leaving.  Fall leaves are finding their way off the trees and onto the ground. They may just fly in the wind and travel for long distances. Some will be raked up and disposed of while others will be put in piles and help replenish the earth [...]

By |2016-10-18T14:11:23-07:00October 20, 2016|Inspirational, message from the angels|

Message From the Angels 101016

I specifically asked the Angels to tell us about today. I say that because as I was putting the title to the blog, the 10-10 really struck me. I know 1 is a powerful number and is all about watching your thoughts - staying positive. 0 / zero is also a powerful number and what [...]

By |2018-09-28T08:58:16-07:00October 10, 2016|Inspirational|

Message From the Angels 92216

Dear Ones, There are many loving energies coming from many beings of love and light. We are not the only ones who are sending you love. If you were to stand at the top of a mountain in the darkest of the nights, you would see millions of stars surround you. If you were to [...]

By |2016-09-20T16:53:50-07:00September 22, 2016|angels, Inspirational, message from the angels|

Message From the Angels 91916

Do you ever feel like you’re on a merry-go-round? It’s spinning round and round and you’re holding on tight and having a great time doing it.  When we were kids merry-go-rounds were one of those things that it had to slow down enough (or come to a complete stop) before we could jump on. Sometimes [...]

By |2016-09-17T17:49:24-07:00September 19, 2016|angels, Inspirational, message from the angels, Spiritual|
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