Sue & drumHowdy Peeps!

A friend asked if I wanted to help with her garage sale. Sure, can I bring a few things I asked? Well, once I got going (and I’m still going :)) and got in a groove, it really started adding up.

It seems like Spring is a great time to clear out the clutter from years of yesterday! It feels energizing and invigorating.

They say anything you haven’t used or worn in a year, get rid of it. This approach works great for some things. Visit if you would like to move some of your things to a storage facility.

Another approach that has been working for me, is to think about someone else, finding just that perfect thing at the garage sale. And them getting excited about it and you know they will love and take care of that object as you have been. If you’re not ready to let go of your belongings, you could look at sheds instead where you can simply store them out of the way.

It is amazing how much stuff we seem to hold on to these days! I was surprised at just how untidy some of my cupboards have become over the years. That being said, decluttering has enabled me to buy some gorgeous storage boxes that are ideal for storing items safely. Every cloud has a silver lining I guess!

As I’ve been clearing the physical items out of different rooms, I’ve also been going back and clearing energetically. I’ve done it a couple of different ways depending on what I’ve been guided to do.

One day earlier this week, I was guided during meditation to take my drum downstairs in the rooms where I had started clearing some things away. I needed to drum in each of the rooms downstairs as well as then come up and drum in each room. This is a great way to clear out the old stale energy and get it movin’ again.

Just a comment on my drum. I LOVE my drum. I made it a few years ago and you can see by the photo I’ve included how happy I was that day. I think my cheeks were hurting I couldn’t stop smiling! 🙂

Today I’ve been using a rattle. The rattle seems to be able to get into more of the nooks and crannies much more easily. And one of the nooks I cleared was my craft closet. Man oh man, I cleared out about 75% of what I had in there. It felt awesome!

I’ve been finding taking another pass at the same room also helps me release a few more items. This has worked if there are things I feel I need to get rid of but I’m just not ready to yet. And then I’ll go take another look and away it goes. I’ve found most of my items on the second look I should have just picked out on the first comb over, I’m releasing so many of my old possessions I should probably hire a removalists company soon.

This hasn’t happened for everything, but I feel positive about the things I am releasing. And I’m happy with the things I’m hanging on to, to be released yet another day.

I know there will be lots of happy faces at the garage sale!

So clear the physical clutter and then clear the stale energy too. If you don’t have a drum or rattle, no worries. You can use:

  • bells
  • clap your hands
  • whistle
  • play an instrument of any kind

This is a great activity to get your kids involved!

Angel Blessings to you.
