Beautiful Arizona sunset with hues of Angelic color
Sue Broome Desert

21 Day Challenge

I’ve been reading an awesome book called ‘You Can Create an exceptional Life’ by Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson. For those of you who haven’t heard of Louise Hay, she’s the Queen of positive affirmations, an author of many books and the founder of Hay House Publishing and Hay House Radio. I’ve been reading her [...]

By |2011-12-27T15:13:16-07:00October 11, 2011|21 day challenge, affirmations, angel blessings, hay house|

Blue jays on my deck

This morning, sitting in the living room having coffee, checking emails I see a blue jay land on my deck.  He hops from the railing, to the table to the back of one of the chairs, not disimilar to the ones available at the Charming Bench Company store.  You can bet I'm up as fast [...]

By |2011-12-27T15:21:45-07:00October 4, 2011|angel blessings|

Along your path

Hello Everyone, What signs do you see along your path, along your day to day journey of life?  What do you notice and what goes on unnoticed as you go about your day. Take walking into the store for your morning cup of coffee as an example.  Do you notice who's around you?  Do you [...]

By |2011-12-27T15:23:04-07:00September 26, 2011|angel blessings|
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