Howdy Peeps!

flowersTypically this is about the time of year everyone wants to head south where it's warmer, or have Spring be tomorrow. Well, even though this has been one of the mildest winters that I remember, I'm still looking forward to Spring. The flowers, the warmer temps, the sun. And it always smells so fresh and new. We can get the windows open and let the fresh air in – Woo Hoo!!

The last week or so it has felt like Spring is in the air!

Well, to help us all get to Spring with a smile, let's have a:

> > February Fun -21 Day- Buddy Challenge < < 

It's combining a few things making it something new and unique.

So there are 23 days left in February, so you have a day or so to plan and find your Buddy, but if you plan it right, you'll be able to celebrate the completion by March 1! OK, so I'm getting ahead of myself.

First, grab a Buddy, or 2 or 3. This can be friend or foe, mate or not, desk partner, gym friend, mother, father, brother, sister – do you get the idea it can be anyone :).

Second, make sure both of you Peeps know what an affirmation is and how to turn it around. Here's the condensed version (you can also re-read the 21 Day Challenge blog):

When you find yourself saying (or thinking) a negative affirmation, stop, turn it around. Say a positive affirmation right then and repeat it a couple of times. Here’s an example: I never have enough time (negative).

>> Stop <<

I have enough time to do what needs to be done (positive).

Third, have the other person 'catch you'. Have them catch you when you need the positive boost but also when you've just given them a positive boost. What I mean is catch them doing things right also!

Your Buddy can help with the positive snap you may need and let you know 'great job!' on your positive affirmations and attitude.  

You may have to have a Buddy check in throughout the day (like I'll need to have) because you won't see that person every moment of every day. Include your thoughts – they count too – not just what comes out of your mouth!! And then share with each other. 

Fourth, figure out how to celebrate throughout and at the end of the month, or whenever you finish the 21 days.

There may be times when you just don't feel it. You really want to believe that 'everything is perfect' or 'I'm always on time' or 'I have enough time' but you find it difficult to say. That's OK.

Here's a trick that may work for you. Remember a time when everything was perfect, or you were on time. Remember the details about it, as many as you can. Remember the feeling, what you were hearing and seeing. Remember as many details about it as you can and then repeat the affirmation. It may make it just that more believable.

Something else that will keep you both keep on track? Ask your Angels for help and thank them for the help they bring!

Angel Blessings to you and Let the challenge begin!!!

Let me know how you're doing with this in the comments below or on Facebook (Like my Page while you're there :)). Or you can always email me directly.
