
I wanted to do a blog on Inspiration and realized I had done one a couple of years ago – you may want to go back and check it out.


I still wanted to write about inspiration and thought, how do I use inspiration and what do I use it for the most. Creating new things is what came to me.


If I would like to crochet something new, many times I will look through several magazines and patterns until I’m inspired and then I’ll go from there to create. Depending on what it is, I’ll follow the pattern or not. I use the books and the patterns to spark something within that will fit me.


Recips are also something I’ll look through to come up with inspiration. I look at recipes as guidelines. You can pull from this one and that and create something that totally fits what it is you’re looking for.


In the earlier blog, Inspiration, I gave you a nice long list of things that may help ignite some inspiration if you aren't feeling it and I’ll add to that list:

  • window shop
  • eat one of your favorite foods, enjoying every bite
  • watch the clouds
  • play with your pet or borrow a pet
  • learn a new craft
  • daydream
  • reminisce over some favorite holiday memories
  • sit and listen to the sounds you hear and make up a story about one of them 

If nothing seems to be inspiring your creativity today, then today’s not the day. Sparking your inspiration is an inside job so relax. It may just be a great time to take a nap and come back to be inspired another day.


Angel Blessings to you,



Empowerment 4 You LLC