Beautiful Arizona sunset with hues of Angelic color
Sue Broome Desert

Message From the Angels 81414

Dear Ones,   Today we speak of the inner you.   You are being refined each day. There is new information coming into the cells of your body. This information comes in through your dreams at night, through your daydreams, through the energy in the air. It is coming to you continuously.   This new [...]

By |2014-08-13T12:09:49-07:00August 14, 2014|angel, angel blessings, angels, love|

Message From the Angels 41014

Dear Ones, People come into our lives for different reasons and varied lengths of time. It does not matter if someone was in your life for a split second or for most of your life - they each have an impact in different ways.   Their impact and their imprint upon your heart is what [...]

By |2014-04-09T14:08:44-07:00April 10, 2014|angel blessings, angels, hospice|

Message From the Angels

  Beloved Ones,   We would like to surround you with our love for you. You need do nothing except accept the love that is yours.   Find a quiet location and take a few deep breaths, releasing your worries, releasing your fears and frustrations. Breathe in through your nose and release out through your [...]

By |2014-02-19T14:42:10-07:00February 20, 2014|angel blessings, angels, love|

Feel the Love of God

I went to an Ask the Angels, Angel Gathering session last night. A friend of mine, Rev Debby Taylor* holds them once a month. She starts with a lesson for all and then everyone gets a chance to ask a question of the Angel she channels - Gendarion.   The lesson last night was just what [...]

By |2013-10-10T13:29:40-07:00October 10, 2013|angel blessings, angels, inspiration|


I’m sure many of you have heard the saying: Perception is reality ~ Lee Atwater Sunday morning I went for a walk. It was a beautiful morning, not too hot, not too cool. There was a nice breeze and the sun was shining.   I notice this beautiful white flower on the side of the [...]

By |2013-04-07T16:43:20-07:00April 8, 2013|acceptance, angel blessings, angels|

Have Confidence

For the UBC, I decided to make Sundays for the month of April, Angel Card Sundays. This means I’ll be pulling a card for us to focus on during the week. If you are reading this another day of the week, it’s OK. It still applies. That’s the awesome thing about Angels and their messages. They [...]

By |2013-04-06T21:08:31-07:00April 7, 2013|angel blessings, angels, Archangel Michael|
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