Beautiful Arizona sunset with hues of Angelic color
Sue Broome Desert

Enjoy Each Moment

Howdy Peeps! You hear people say to enjoy the moment many times and you probably don't give it a lot of thought, until or unless something has happened.  The world is ever changing and our lives can change on a dime, in one split second. I've caught myself lately, if my mind is starting to [...]

By |2012-06-10T14:16:01-07:00June 11, 2012|angel blessings, gratitude, present|

Angels, Angels Everywhere

Howdy Peeps, I believe in Angels, don't you? One of my favorite sayings is: Angels, Angels Everywhere. I've talked about Angels in some of my blogs and always sign things with 'Angel Blessings to you'. But there are a lot of people who don't realize you can call on Angels anytime you want, for anything [...]

By |2013-10-13T20:43:51-07:00June 4, 2012|angel blessings|

Be Open to What Comes Your Way

Howdy Peeps, I've been doing some new exploring as of late and this seems to be a great motto: Be open to what comes your way Sometimes we get so set on how we want the day to go, or we have expectations of what is supposed to happen. Well, what if something else comes [...]

By |2012-05-30T18:39:59-07:00May 31, 2012|angel blessings, be open|

Rush, Rush, Stop!

Howdy Peeps! It seems like there is always some reason to rush around, to hurry and do this and hurry up and go here. And then speed up to get this completed. I've been rushing around lately, trying to get this done or that done. I feel a bit scattered. So I just stop. If you [...]

By |2012-05-22T15:52:55-07:00May 24, 2012|angel blessings, energy, focus on positive, intention|

Beauty in Everything

Howdy Peeps! Spring is a wonderful time to see all of Mother Nature's beauty all around us. The wonderful vibrant colors, the fabulous scents. Oh my are they wonderful! My whole house has been smelling like Lilacs which is my all time favorite flower scent. I wish I could take all these wonderful scents and [...]

By |2012-05-17T05:54:48-07:00May 17, 2012|angel blessings, angels, beauty, Mother Nature|

Compassion Begins With Yourself

Howdy Peeps! Over the last  few weeks, a message that comes up over and over in my channel writings and meditations is compassion. If you look the word up in the dictionary, it talks of sympathy, sorrow, stricken by misfortune, alleviate suffering. It all sounds pretty painful. I asked others what compassion meant to them. [...]

By |2012-04-12T14:45:52-07:00April 12, 2012|angel blessings, compassion|

Targaan and Friends Meet a Fairy

Howdy Peeps! Last time we left off with Targaan and his friends playing the imagination game... In case you missed the previous blogs with Targaan and friends, they were:   The Adventures of Targaan and Friends The Adventures of Targaan and Friends Continues Targaan and Friends, Into the Tree Like Bushes  Targaan and Friends Discover [...]

By |2012-04-05T15:35:31-07:00April 5, 2012|angel blessings, follow your heart, friends|
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