Beautiful Arizona sunset with hues of Angelic color
Sue Broome Desert

Thank You For The Ideas

  Where do you think the ideas you have really come from?   I believe my ideas come from the Divine, the Angels or my Guides, my Loved ones on the other side, my Higher Self or some combination of them.   If you think about it, many times you have asked for guidance and [...]

By |2013-02-03T16:07:12-07:00February 4, 2013|angel blessings, angels, crown chakra|

I Did It!

It has been a fun month of blogging every day. And yes, I did it. I didn't miss any days and I wasn't late on any of the blogs either.  This is a great accomplishment for me, and if you want to tell me that in the comments, in an email, in a Tweet, in [...]

By |2013-01-30T18:52:04-07:00January 31, 2013|angel blessings, angels|

It’s All An Inside Job

  We are all such wonderful and unique individuals.  We look at things in our own unique way. We love different than the next person.  We perceive things in a way that others may not see. When we are faced with something overwhelming, maybe the loss of a job or the death of a loved [...]

By |2013-01-30T15:35:53-07:00January 30, 2013|acceptance, angel blessings, angels|

A Clean Cell

Today we speak of love and compassion. You have heard us speak of this before and you have heard Kryon speak of this. Today, let us speak of the value the love and compassion has on your being. Imagine your cells in your body. As you have lower vibration or negative thoughts or judgements, the [...]

By |2013-01-29T15:02:35-07:00January 29, 2013|acceptance, angel blessings, angels, compassion, love|

Take Time to Daydream

How often to you daydream?  Do you ever set aside time to just stare off into space and see what thoughts come through? Or do you pick a topic and give yourself time to see what journey the topic will lead you on?   Why don’t we daydream more often? Not enough time It’s a waste [...]

By |2013-01-27T13:48:22-07:00January 28, 2013|angel blessings, angels, daydream|

Beautiful Sights

  All around us are beautiful sights. When we are out in nature, there are wonderful things  all around up and all around down and all around.   Nature has so many beautiful colors and shapes and scents. Of course that means we may need to step outside to see what’s there.   One of [...]

By |2013-01-27T19:53:32-07:00January 27, 2013|angel blessings, angels, beauty, nature|

A Story of Betrayal

Once there was a friendship. Two people who enjoyed each others company. They laughed, they shared jokes, they enjoyed spending time together. Others could tell the two were very good friends. Time goes on and the friends are still intertwined in the others’ life, but not as tight. They are still friends but there’s not [...]

By |2018-09-02T13:07:35-07:00January 26, 2013|angel blessings, angels, Betray|

Grab A Mirror

Hey everyone. Today’s blog is a little different so please play along. Let’s just call it special. There is a special guest today I’d like to introduce you to. YOU!!   Grab a mirror, look deep into your eyes, and read the following, lovingly, filling in your name when you see <Sue>:   Dearest, Sweetest [...]

By |2013-01-25T08:46:40-07:00January 25, 2013|angel blessings, angels, love, loved ones|

Take A Rest

Do you ever feel as though you need to just take a break from others? Why don’t you do it? Yes our lives are busy. There are people to see, places to go, things to do, as the saying goes. But as I’ve asked others and been reminded of myself now and again - who [...]

By |2013-01-24T12:39:12-07:00January 24, 2013|angel blessings, angels, rejuvenate|

Make A Difference

  Mother Teresa lived her calling.  As to my calling, I belong to the world. As to my heart, I belong entirely to the Heart of Jesus.  ~Mother Teresa She was one person who made so much of a difference in the world. You and I may not be the next Mother Teresa, but we [...]

By |2013-01-23T15:09:05-07:00January 23, 2013|act of kindness, angel blessings, angels, Mother Teresa|
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