Beautiful Arizona sunset with hues of Angelic color
Sue Broome Desert

Love and Loss

Yesterday within 3 hours I heard of 3 transitions. This makes 4 in 10 short days. All are Loved Ones of people I know. Each of the transitions was very different than the others. However, there are similarities: Each Loved Ones who passed touched the lives of many Their losses are felt by those who [...]

By |2013-01-22T15:53:18-07:00January 22, 2013|acceptance, angel blessings, angels, compassion, grief, grief relief|

Trust Yourself

  I’ve talked about Trust in the past, but it’s such a huge topic that I believe there’s room for more.   We trust in things every day of our lives, whether we acknowledge it as trust or not. There are some unwritten ‘trusts’ if you will, that most of us share: We trust we [...]

By |2013-01-21T08:33:14-07:00January 21, 2013|angel blessings, angels, ask the angels, gratitude, intuition, Trust|

Reward Yourself

Do you ever take time to reward yourself for the wins you have each day? Do you take time to celebrate accomplishments in your life? In the working world, maybe you get a bonus for a job well done. Or maybe someone sends you a 'congratulations' card for a project completion. Don't wait for others [...]

By |2013-01-20T19:13:38-07:00January 20, 2013|angel blessings, angels, grateful, gratitude, gratitude journal, reward|

Creativity Comes In Many Forms

Has anyone ever asked you if you are creative and you automatically say no?  Some people feel if they don’t paint or do sculpting (or similar items), that they are not creative.   You can be creative in so many ways. I took a picture of a few of the things that I have created [...]

By |2013-01-19T19:27:53-07:00January 19, 2013|angel blessings, angels, creative|

There Is Enough Time…

I love how the Universe works. The last few days I’ve been feeling overwhelmed with things. It’s been the feeling of too much on my plate.   This morning, I took a breath and I heard a wonderful mantra I have shared with others many times:   There is enough time to complete all the [...]

By |2013-01-18T12:20:22-07:00January 18, 2013|angel blessings, angels, Archangel Metatron|

Feel It In Your Heart

  How many times have you changed what you really wanted to do or what you really wanted to say because you were afraid of being criticized?   One of my favorite sayings:   What others say about me is none of my business.   Many times in our lives we are worried about what [...]

By |2013-01-16T20:46:42-07:00January 17, 2013|angel blessings, angels|

When Do You Feel Most Alive

Do you have something in your life that brings just joy to you? Is it something you can start doing even when you are tired that will help wake you right back up? Think about the things you do that time flies. You start and before you know it hours have gone by.   These [...]

By |2013-01-16T18:07:22-07:00January 16, 2013|angel blessings, angels, freedom|

Start Small

I’m sure you’ve all heard expressions similar to ‘start small’. Sometimes just that one small step forward is all you need to propel yourself in the direction you want to go. This quote is also a great reminder that we may only be one person, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do something. One person [...]

By |2013-01-15T18:49:18-07:00January 15, 2013|angel blessings, angels, start|

My Labyrinth

This picture shows you the wonderful labyrinth my brother Mike made. He surprised me with it just this last week. It was actually more like, shocked me. It was in a huge box and the labyrinth itself is about 26" across. It is so beautiful and comes straight from his heart. He’s very talented with wood and [...]

By |2013-01-13T16:01:10-07:00January 14, 2013|affirmations, angel blessings, angels, ask the angels, labyrinths|

Take This Moment

  Today I would like to share some wonderful quotes. I would offer to you, a reminder that each moment we are here on this earth, in human form, is a gift. We are spiritual beings learning through all of these human moments we piece together and call our lives. Make the most of them. [...]

By |2013-01-13T13:57:50-07:00January 13, 2013|acceptance, angel blessings, angels, dying, grief|
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