Beautiful Arizona sunset with hues of Angelic color
Sue Broome Desert

Take This Moment

  Today I would like to share some wonderful quotes. I would offer to you, a reminder that each moment we are here on this earth, in human form, is a gift. We are spiritual beings learning through all of these human moments we piece together and call our lives. Make the most of them. [...]

By |2013-01-13T13:57:50-07:00January 13, 2013|acceptance, angel blessings, angels, dying, grief|


The past few days for me have been about boundaries. This is an interesting topic. Some of you may be wondering, what are you talking about. I’ll explain as best as I can. Have you ever done something that you felt you ‘should’ do instead of coming from a place of ‘I want to’? Have [...]

By |2013-01-12T14:02:47-07:00January 12, 2013|angel blessings, angels, boundaries, compassion|

Love and Compassion

I have written of loving and compassion in the past (Compassion Begins With Yourself) and since it’s been a while, felt the need to write again. I have been channeling for several years now. The 3 Light Beings of the Emissaries is who I channel with. Their message has been of compassion for much of [...]

By |2013-01-11T14:57:12-07:00January 11, 2013|angel blessings, angels, compassion|


We all need support at some point in our lives. That’s what our friends, our family, the relationships we build is all about - support. Sometimes we just need to vent. And I vented to a friend just the other day. :)   Sometimes we need an ear to listen. We can talk to someone [...]

By |2013-01-09T09:15:35-07:00January 9, 2013|angel blessings, angels, ask the angels, death, dying, friends, grief, grief relief|

Make Believe

We’ve all used make believe in our lives at one time or another. Maybe it’s been a long time since you’ve thought about it, but when we were kids we used it all the time. I’m sure as an adult you use it as well. Like one of those moments where you look like you [...]

By |2013-01-07T19:08:59-07:00January 8, 2013|angel blessings, angels, imagination|

Everything Is New

  When we start something we haven’t ever done before, everything is new. It’s fun discovering new things, exploring places we haven’t been before.   I’m new to living in Arizona. I’m on my 5th month. It’s hard to believe. In many ways it seems as though I’ve been here for a long time and [...]

By |2013-01-06T17:20:39-07:00January 7, 2013|adventure, angel blessings, angels|

Greet Each Day

  When you meet someone for the first time, what do you do? Greet them with a ‘Hello, how you doing’, maybe a handshake or a nod or something along those lines.   When you meet a friend for a gathering, what do you do? Greet them with either a smile or a warm hug. [...]

By |2013-01-06T09:28:38-07:00January 6, 2013|affirmations, angel blessings, angels|

What Do You Hear?

Do you have a moment to do an experiment with me? It will only take you a couple of minutes. What’s in it for you? Is that what you’re thinking? You may be totally amazed. Stop what you’re doing - other than reading this of course. Set anything in your hands down. Your full attention will [...]

By |2013-01-04T15:19:16-07:00January 4, 2013|angel blessings, angels, listen, love can build a bridge|

The Time Is Now

  The time is now. This is a true statement, no matter what time it is. It is always ‘now’. And the time is now!   Time for what you may be asking? Well, that would be up to you now wouldn’t it? We are all on a path of our own making, our very [...]

By |2013-01-02T18:28:00-07:00January 3, 2013|angel blessings, angels, breathe|
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