Beautiful Arizona sunset with hues of Angelic color
Sue Broome Desert

Thank You

Is there someone you would like to thank for something and you just haven’t done it yet?    Now is the time!   Is there something you’ve done for another and maybe you didn’t get a thank you from them?   Get over it - you don’t know what was going on with them at [...]

By |2014-12-21T16:29:20-07:00December 22, 2014|angel, friends, friendship, grateful, gratitude|


This was a weekend of wonderful memories - some from reminiscing, and some making new.    It’s always wonderful to see friends you haven’t seen in a long while. I know living in Arizona now for going on 3 years, friends from Wisconsin probably wonder about me. Well now they know I’m doing well. They [...]

By |2014-12-07T17:08:58-07:00December 8, 2014|angel, angel blessings, angels, friends, friendship, memories|


I've been here in Arizona for over 2 years now. It is hard to believe it's been that long and in other ways it feels as if I've been here all my life. I have met so many wonderful people since I've been here. I know when I first came that was something I was [...]

By |2014-10-19T19:42:05-07:00October 20, 2014|angels, appreciation, friends, friendship|


We all need support at some point in our lives. That’s what our friends, our family, the relationships we build is all about - support. Sometimes we just need to vent. And I vented to a friend just the other day. :)   Sometimes we need an ear to listen. We can talk to someone [...]

By |2013-01-09T09:15:35-07:00January 9, 2013|angel blessings, angels, ask the angels, death, dying, friends, grief, grief relief|


  Like a flower, friendships need to be nurtured in order for them to grow.   I think William, Jon, Muhammad and the Unknown sum it up quite well!   A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you [...]

By |2012-11-04T19:28:05-07:00November 5, 2012|angel blessings, angels, friends|

Targaan’s Lessons

Howdy Peeps! There are so many life lessons that Targaan and his friends shared with us. Children have a way of bringing those up for us and many times we aren't even aware of it. This story was no exception. As you think back on the story, the life lessons started at the beginning, almost [...]

By |2012-04-09T15:37:37-07:00April 9, 2012|friends, imagination, intuition, life lessons|

Targaan and Friends Meet a Fairy

Howdy Peeps! Last time we left off with Targaan and his friends playing the imagination game... In case you missed the previous blogs with Targaan and friends, they were:   The Adventures of Targaan and Friends The Adventures of Targaan and Friends Continues Targaan and Friends, Into the Tree Like Bushes  Targaan and Friends Discover [...]

By |2012-04-05T15:35:31-07:00April 5, 2012|angel blessings, follow your heart, friends|

Targaan and Friends Discover a New Game

Howdy Peeps! Last time we left off with Targaan and his friends had been spotting the sparkles along the path and had heard about Fairy dust... In case you missed the previous blogs with Targaan and friends, they were:   The Adventures of Targaan and Friends The Adventures of Targaan and Friends Continues Targaan and [...]

By |2012-03-29T07:32:42-07:00April 2, 2012|angel blessings, follow your heart, friends|

Targaan and Friends, Into the Tree Like Bushes

Howdy Peeps! Remember last time, Targaan and his friends needed a new adventure and Alexia had heard about a Fairy... If you missed the first 2 blogs, they are:   The Adventures of Targaan and Friends The Adventures of Targaan and Friends Continues The adults talking didn’t appear to be frightened, they just knew there [...]

By |2012-03-29T07:19:31-07:00March 29, 2012|angel blessings, friends|
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