Beautiful Arizona sunset with hues of Angelic color
Sue Broome Desert

Reach Out

Howdy Peeps! One of the things I’ve discovered with moving across the country from where I grew up is you really do need to make more of an effort to ‘reach out’ to those you left behind.   When you think about it, how is reaching out across the miles, the airwaves to talk with [...]

By |2012-10-14T17:54:09-07:00October 15, 2012|angel blessings, angels, death, loved ones|

Reveal Yourself

  We are all such interesting creatures. We are as multi-layered as this plant. I believe the plant is in the Agave family (but don’t quote me - and if you know for sure, please tell me :)).   The plant has many layers. The outer layers are very protective and as the plant becomes [...]

By |2012-10-10T18:27:47-07:00October 11, 2012|angel blessings, be open, beauty|

Free To Be…

  According to the dictionary, here are a couple of meanings for the word ‘free’: not under the control or in the power of another; able to act or be done as one wishes not physically restrained, obstructed or fixed; unimpeded Are you free? Do you feel you are free to be who you want to [...]

By |2012-10-07T17:45:47-07:00October 8, 2012|acceptance, angel blessings|

Treasures Within

  A while ago I wrote a blog called The Treasure Chest. It’s a great read if I do say so myself. :)   Today I was reading through one of my journals in search of inspiration from my Angels and Guides. I was reminded of the treasure chest and felt drawn to share this [...]

By |2012-10-03T17:13:04-07:00October 4, 2012|angel blessings, angels, treasures within|

Blowing In The Wind

  I’ve been listening to the wind blowing through the trees outside. It’s a gentle breeze, enough to move the leaves so they make that rustling noise. It’s a comforting feeling somehow. Maybe because it’s a familiar sound, something I would hear in WI. I wasn’t expecting I would be able to hear this wonderful [...]

By |2012-09-30T20:04:25-07:00October 1, 2012|acceptance, angel blessings, angels, faith, Trust|

Nurture Yourself

Nurturing yourself is so very important. We are the only ones who truly know what we need. Each day we are out there, sharing ourselves with others. It may be our family, our co-workers, our clients, or strangers. And I’m sure you are at your best when you are with others. I know I always [...]

By |2012-09-26T17:32:47-07:00September 27, 2012|angel blessings, nurture, self care, Uncategorized|

Welcome Autumn

We just had the Autumnal Equinox over the weekend on the 22nd. It actually felt different as well. There was something different about the sky, the air, the way the wind sounded in the trees. It just had a different energy to it that was very obvious to me. I wish to honor this Equinox. [...]

By |2012-09-23T16:37:00-07:00September 24, 2012|acceptance, angel blessings, Autumnal Equinox|

Happy 1-Year Anniversary Blog

Happy Anniversary to my blog! :) I remember the first blog I sent out to the world like it was yesterday. I had it all set to go. I was excited but also shaking a bit. It was showing a side of me, to others, that I hadn't revealed except to close friends. I had [...]

By |2012-09-19T17:58:27-07:00September 20, 2012|angel blessings, Uncategorized|

Start Where You Are

  Have you ever been in a situation where you just don’t know where to start? Something where the task at hand seems so overwhelming that it may just be easier to not do it and just walk away? You think you have to have this, or get that thing just to begin?   Well, [...]

By |2012-09-16T17:15:43-07:00September 17, 2012|angel blessings, angels, calling all angels, Trust|
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