Beautiful Arizona sunset with hues of Angelic color
Sue Broome Desert

Message From the Angels 43015

Dear Ones,   Today we speak of transformation. You are all being transformed each day. Some days they are small and some days they are massive. Other days they are somewhere in between.   What does a transformation mean? It is different for everyone. What we are meaning by the word is that things are [...]

Flowers From the Past

  Today I was missing some of the flowers and plants I used to have in Madison. I decided to make a beautiful collage of some.  Look at the beauty that surrounds you each day. It is unfolding right before your eyes - whether it is outdoors or whether it is in the mirror looking back [...]

By |2015-04-26T15:48:54-07:00April 27, 2015|inspiration, Inspirational|

Thank You

I feel so much gratitude today. The Spirit in Motion Expo* was Saturday, April 11, 2015 in Prescott. What a wonderful turn out we had.   The support from the community, the vendors, healers, readers was so wonderful. We had so many talented individuals sharing their gifts. We had many awesome people listening to and enjoying the [...]

By |2015-04-12T18:23:18-07:00April 13, 2015|angels, grateful, gratitude, inspiration, Inspirational, love, Spiritual|

Writing Careers

  Today’s blog is inspired by Archangel Gabriel. I was flipping through The Miracles of Archangel Gabriel book* and landed on the heading Writing Careers.    It was actually quite funny because yesterday I received an email from someone in reply to one of my blogs. She pointed out, in a not very nice way, [...]

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